Current Year Photo Album:
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September-October 2022: We've been back in the country for 2 months now and had 3 separate sets of short-term visitors to participate with us in the ministry. We all love showing people what God is doing in Tanzania and how their prayers and support allow so many believers to be discipled in the Word. We had a few graduations, some children's events, and a mini-pastors' conference. Take a look at these photos.

Summer 2022 (USA): July and August were great months for us to spend time with family, friends, and supporting churches in America. Even though we are always on the go traveling from place to place, it is still refreshing. We never have the time to visit every church or friend each time we're home, but we do our best to get to everyone approximately every 2-3 years. If you haven't seen us in a while, and would like to, please send us a note.
In addition to our personal schedule, the ministry was going 90mph also. We opened up a new campus with our largest class ever, and had a record number of sessions during our absence. The team did a great job keeping things running smoothly with some weekly interaction from Jim to keep them on the right track.
In addition to our personal schedule, the ministry was going 90mph also. We opened up a new campus with our largest class ever, and had a record number of sessions during our absence. The team did a great job keeping things running smoothly with some weekly interaction from Jim to keep them on the right track.
Spring 2022: From the time we returned to Tanzania at the end of February until we left again on 28 June, it was non-stop...with lots of visitors. The staff loves having people come over to see what the Lord is doing, and they had much to display. We've started 2 new certificate programs, done an ESL (English as a Second Language) training, and will begin a degree program this fall. In addition, we made a trip to South Sudan to train 30 pastors and will take the program there in December. Take a look at some of the highlights.

Fall 2021: We started our first women-only Certificate in Bible Teaching program in October; had our first ICM-Africa Bible College Alumni Preachers Conference in November, and Jim was bitten by a venomous snake in December. A LOT of "firsts" for us!

Summer 2021: We spent 2 months in the US over the summer visiting family and churches. In addition, classes still continued in Tanzania during our absence.

May 2021: We had several classes going on around the country this month, but the exciting thing is that Jim and about 13 of the staff climbed Mt. Meru for 3 days!

MAR-APR 2021: Bible college classes, Sunday church services and youth group sessions, marriage seminars, staff meetings, and trying to stay healthy filled our days over these two months.
(L-R: Enezaeli, Angela, Lightness, Janice w/Flat Stanley, Victoria, Mary, and Itikisaeli)
(L-R: Enezaeli, Angela, Lightness, Janice w/Flat Stanley, Victoria, Mary, and Itikisaeli)

JAN-FEB 2021: While we were in the US for 2 months, we traveled around the Southeast visiting supporting churches and family. But at the same time, ministry continued to happen in Tanzania.