Janice Larson

I was drawn to church when I was in 5th grade and attended pretty regularly until I became a Junior in high school. Although I was seeking the Lord and knew that church was where I felt most comfortable, I didn’t have anyone to disciple me. Youth groups at that time were nothing like they are today, and reading my Bible generated more questions in me than I could find answers for. But I loved the Lord and knew He loved me--I just didn’t know how to apply His Word to my life. The concept of being saved by faith through grace was too complex for me to grasp, and the Ten Commandments still seemed to be important topics in church services, so my understanding of how the Law and my actions fit into this “unconditional love” thing was very murky.
It wasn't until the 1990s that my faith found solid footing and I really began to grow as a Christian. I have served in many leadership roles over the years in a number of churches and honed my giftings as a teacher and administrator. Twenty years later, after our kids were grown and on their own, the Lord called us into full-time missionary service to Him. My walk with the Lord has grown so much deeper over the years in a variety of ways. I got a Masters in Intercultural Studies from Moody Theological Seminary which increased my Bible knowledge, but living life as a cross-cultural missionary also reinforces just how much you don't know! You learn to extend grace to others far more often than before because you realize you can't possibly know what someone will or won't do given an upbringing you cannot relate to. I've learned that I'm glad I'm not God and don't need to sit in judgment of others, and I try to love and accept them for where they are in life--knowing we're all still on this long journey of sanctification.
My Life Verse:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine."
Isaiah 43:1a
On the personal side, I LOVE music. I always wanted to play the drums when I was young, but the marching band instructor said I wasn't strong enough to carry them and put me in the flute section instead! He tried to make it sound important by telling me it takes more wind/air to play the flute than any other instrument, and he thought I would excel at it. I guess the other teachers had told him how much I talked in class! But he was right, and I loved it. I also sang for many years in church choirs, school ensembles, the shower, car, karaoke....wherever! It's the most satisfying way I worship, get focused on the Lord, and get energized.
I played basketball, softball, and ran track in high school but I was just an average athlete. It was more of a "fitting in" experience than anything else. Although I am not a good swimmer, I love being on or near the water, and I'll fish if you bait my line and take the fish off after I catch him! LOL
My current joys come from spending time with our family members as often as possible. :-)
It wasn't until the 1990s that my faith found solid footing and I really began to grow as a Christian. I have served in many leadership roles over the years in a number of churches and honed my giftings as a teacher and administrator. Twenty years later, after our kids were grown and on their own, the Lord called us into full-time missionary service to Him. My walk with the Lord has grown so much deeper over the years in a variety of ways. I got a Masters in Intercultural Studies from Moody Theological Seminary which increased my Bible knowledge, but living life as a cross-cultural missionary also reinforces just how much you don't know! You learn to extend grace to others far more often than before because you realize you can't possibly know what someone will or won't do given an upbringing you cannot relate to. I've learned that I'm glad I'm not God and don't need to sit in judgment of others, and I try to love and accept them for where they are in life--knowing we're all still on this long journey of sanctification.
My Life Verse:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine."
Isaiah 43:1a
On the personal side, I LOVE music. I always wanted to play the drums when I was young, but the marching band instructor said I wasn't strong enough to carry them and put me in the flute section instead! He tried to make it sound important by telling me it takes more wind/air to play the flute than any other instrument, and he thought I would excel at it. I guess the other teachers had told him how much I talked in class! But he was right, and I loved it. I also sang for many years in church choirs, school ensembles, the shower, car, karaoke....wherever! It's the most satisfying way I worship, get focused on the Lord, and get energized.
I played basketball, softball, and ran track in high school but I was just an average athlete. It was more of a "fitting in" experience than anything else. Although I am not a good swimmer, I love being on or near the water, and I'll fish if you bait my line and take the fish off after I catch him! LOL
My current joys come from spending time with our family members as often as possible. :-)